Functional Medicine

Functional medicine (FM) is a broad medical approach focused on treating health issues as system breakdowns in the body.

Identifying and addressing the root cause of your problem is FM’s goal. FM diagnoses can be a result of many issues. For example, inflammation can result from arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and many other factors. Determining the origin of the problem depends on the patient’s genes, environment, and lifestyle. Creating a care plan focusing on the right cause will have benefits that last long past immediate relief.

Dr. Vargas is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner with over 300 hours of nutritional and laboratory testing interpretation with the Functional Medicine University. At Pro-Holistic Care, we do blood work and hair analysis using Science-based Nutrition protocols. This helps our patients understand more about the disease process and organ or nutritional deficiencies.

All patients receive a detailed report of the lab results, indicating how healthy they really are. The report highlights any deficiencies and identifies the diet and nutritional protocol needed to improve their health. This approach isn’t geared towards disease discovery, but if any issues are found, it provides a road map on how to improve them naturally with diet, lifestyle changes, and supplementation. We want every patient to understand and be comfortable with their proposed treatment.

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