Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that uses needles to stimulate certain points along the meridians of the body. Stimulation of these points allows the body to start the process of healing itself and can have many incredible effects on the body. These include improved blood flow, decreased healing time, increased endorphin production, decreased inflammation, increased energy and mood, and many more.
Acupuncture can benefit people across the spectrum. Here are some of the many conditions for which patients seek acupuncture at our practice:
- Hormonal/menstrual/fertility issues
- Stress and anxiety
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Back, neck, shoulder, and knee pain
- Skin problems
Dr. Rae is certified in cosmetic acupuncture for facial rejuvenation and acne treatment. She is also certified in Mei Zen abdominal acupuncture for infertility and hormone balance.
At Pro-Holistic Care, we use a corrective approach to care. First, we want to address your pain and main complaint. Chiropractic provides the tools to determine what’s wrong, how to correct it, and how to keep it from happening again. We’ll discover the root of your problem and help you correct it.
Less pain, less physical stress, fewer headaches, more mobility, and better fitness are some benefits patients may experience. As symptoms improve and function returns to normal, patients move into the maintenance/wellness phase of care. Learning how to maintain overall health for the long term allows you to live your best life.